An American Odyssey

On this week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie, it is my distinct pleasure to sit down with Patrick Wang, who established himself as a major American voice with his debut feature In the Familyhere’s my too-short NOW review — and this year roared back with the four-hour, two-part epic A Bread Factory, which screened at the WTF Festival earlier this spring.

That’s when I nabbed him for the podcast, and he rolled up like a champ, choosing a movie I never would have expected him to pick: Electra Glide in Blue, the 1973 one-off from music producer James William Guercio starring Robert Blake as a motorcycle cop with a moral code that’s as inflexible as his ego. I was worried some of the digressions would seem a little dated, but it turns out the stuff abut morality and #MeToo is just as relevant today as it was back in March. More’s the pity.

Wanna check it out?  Subscribe on Apple PodcastsGoogle Play and Stitcher to get the episode instantly, or stream it on Spotify, or just download it directly from the web. And go watch Patrick’s movies. They’re remarkable.

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